Friday, September 23, 2005

Image Trimming

I was trying to copy a portion of an image which is a little boy for example, the outline is not in regular shape and then I want to put this little boy onto another image using photoshop limited edition.

The method that I applied is to use Magic Wand and select pixel by pixel, but end up the effect is not that nice too, a bit zig zag effect.

Tuan tuan dan puan puan!!! Minta tolong!!! Looking for advice to this issue!!!
Terima Kasih!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish i can copy whole the boy picture to photoshop limited edition rather than one potion of the pic. Then resize the pic on photoshop limited s/w

5:35 PM  
Blogger dreamchaser said...

Ya first of all, I open the boy picture with photoshop, but then I only need the boy figure but not the background you see, because I need to paste the boy into another background.

7:10 PM  
Blogger Grayson said...

try magnetic lasso tool..

10:46 PM  
Blogger Jackson said...

So, the right way to "path out"(we usually call it this way) the complicated object is to use the "PEN TOOL". I never use Photoshop limited edition, but I guest it have pen tool inside.
so, step 1: click on "Paths" tab (which is always together with your "Layer" tab, if cannot find it, go to menu "Windows" - "Paths")
step 2: create a new Paths layer
step 3: click on pen tool
step 4: (make sure you zoom closer to your object) start path out your object, make sure your anchor point as close as possible to your object, don't worry about the curve area, we can enchance it later, make sure every corner you did put an anchor point, finally, you have to close your path.
step 5: click on your "Pen tool" for a few second, it will roll out the sub tools, select "Convert Point Tool", this will conver all your straight line into curve, so you can do enhancement in here. is kind of difficult to tell you how to drag and make the curve close to your object, but pratices make better, try it out, you will know.
step 6: after all the enhancement done. go to your "Path Tab", select the path layer that you create just now, and go down, you can see the 3rd button "Load Path As Selection" so it will select the object within the path line, now you can just Ctrl + C (copy) and paste it into any where you want.

i hope this help.

p/s: magic wand is not a proper way to do "path out" it only good when your background is in single color tone. if your background is multiple color, you have to use "Pen" tool.

10:04 PM  
Blogger dreamchaser said...

Hi Jackson, I can't find the path tab in the limited edition, I think is not included.

8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

then i think u can use the Eraser tool, zoom in and erase it carefully.. if there is a blur tool, use it to 'blur' the outline might look better.. then copy & paste to ur background ;)

anyway hav the problem solved? i would like to know the solution too.. thanks :)

9:10 PM  
Blogger dreamchaser said...

finally i gav up cutting the boy image. limited edition is really too limited haha!!
thanks for all your help ya =>

9:49 AM  

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