Just for fun - Google
In www.google.com
1) type this "answer to life, the universe, and everything", it actually calculate for you.
2) go to this URL http://www.google.com/googlegulp/, they are creative or crazy? haha.
3) go to this URL http://www.google.com/Easter/feature_easter.html, google game?
4) go to this URL http://www.google.com/microsoft, google with microsoft?
5) go to this URL http://www.google.com/mac, now...gogole with mac. haha.
6) go to this URL http://www.google.com/intl/xx-klingon/, see the language change.
1) type this "answer to life, the universe, and everything", it actually calculate for you.
2) go to this URL http://www.google.com/googlegulp/, they are creative or crazy? haha.
3) go to this URL http://www.google.com/Easter/feature_easter.html, google game?
4) go to this URL http://www.google.com/microsoft, google with microsoft?
5) go to this URL http://www.google.com/mac, now...gogole with mac. haha.
6) go to this URL http://www.google.com/intl/xx-klingon/, see the language change.